West End Church of Christ      

328 S West End Blvd
Cape Girardeau MO 63701

Links to Other
Areas of Interest

  • Internet Bible Study by Barney Hartline
  • The Assurance of Our Faith by Barney Hartline
  • Apologetics Press
    For more than twenty years Apologetics Press has published and disseminated materials for self study, group study, or evangelistic purposes. Topics range from evidences supporting the Christian Faith to highly controversial areas that challenge that Faith. Some of AP's publications include Discovery magazine for kids and Reason and Revelation.
  • Sheila Butt
    The purpose of this site is to give strength, encouragement and Biblical insight to women who are sincerely trying to become women after God's own heart. Many of you may have heard of Sheila and read her books. "Seeking Spiritual Beauty" is definitely worth your time to read. You can go to her site and find out more about her books, articles and speaking engagements.
  • Children's Homes 
    Offers foster care and adoptive services.
  • Discovery Magazine
    Published for kids by Apologetics Press. www.TheBible.net/wellspring
  • Focus Press
    Focus Press publishes Think, a magazine that deals with difficult topics such as, stem cell research, intelligent design, cloning, abortion, homosexuality and other social issues from a Biblical perspective.
  • Wellspring
    A source of inspiration and strength for the wives of gospel ministers, edited by Teresa Hampton.
  • www.doesgodexist.org/
  • www.worldmag.com/index.cfm  - (A Christian version of CNN)
  • Bible Study
    www.doinggood.org  On this website are quizzes on books of both the Old and New Testament.  So if you read a book of the Bible and want to test yourself on the important subjects covered in the book, this is an excellent website for you to use.
  • In Search of the Lord's Way - Find a channel
  • theBible.net
    A great site to visit if you have Bible questions, if you're looking for articles on current topics from a Biblical perspective, and many, many more resources. Check it out!
  • Net Bible Study:  Below is a series of studies and their websites:
    www.netbiblestudy.net  - an interactive Bible study course entitled: "Are You Really Sure Of Your Eternal Salvation?" consisting of 25 lessons. The purpose of this course is to teach the non-Christian what he must do to be saved.
    http://www.netbiblestudy.net/worship  - an interactive Bible study course entitled "Are You Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth?" consisting of 24 lessons. The purpose of this course is to teach one what the Bible says we must do to worship God in spirit and in truth.

    www.netbiblestudy.net/faithful  - an interactive Bible study course entitled: "Are You Being Faithful To The Lord Until Death?" consisting of 26 lessons. The purpose of this course is to encourage the faithful Christian to remain faithful and committed to the Lord, to help the Christian who is weak in the faith to become more faithful, and for the Christian who has become unfaithful to come back to the Lord.

    www.netbiblestudy.net/bulletin - It is entitled "Biblical Church Bulletin Articles" and has a number of short articles suitable for inclusion in church bulletins or used as tracts. Each article is Biblical and doctrinally sound. Feel free to utilize these in your church bulletins, or in any other way to the glory of God. From time to time I will be adding additional articles to the list.

    www.netbiblestudy.net/denominations  - entitled: "Denominational Doctrines", this study contains brief descriptions giving where and when each of the denominations listed began and who started them. Also given are some of their basic beliefs especially what they falsely teach and practice that one must do to be saved and why what they teach is false.

    www.netbiblestudy.net/lessons - entitled "Bible Class Lessons", this site has a number of Bible class lessons on various subjects to help ground us in sound doctrine of the Bible. These lessons are suitable for Junior High, High School, and Adult classes.

    www.netbiblestudy.net/evangelism  - This is a 13 lesson study entitled: "How To Do Personal Evangelism" and has a 3 lesson Bible study that you can download and print to help you teach others the gospel.



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